ABM WC marching to the offices of City of Cape Town

1 04 2009
Abahlali baseMjondolo Western Cape Press Release
No Land! No House! No Vote!

Abahlali baseMjondolo of the Western Cape TR branch Site B today on the 1st April will be marching to the Offices of the City of Cape Town Mayor Helen Zille who is having ambitions to become the new premier of the Western Cape after this years national undemocratic elections.

During the week of  voters registration  (7&8 of February 2009) people of TR had decided to protest against the voters registration station that was put at their areas by IEC claiming that government had undermined the rights of people of TR for years by not improving conditions that people are living under off, TR section is still one of the areas within the City of Cape Town that are still using pure bucket system.

Today people of TR section (Abahlali baseMjondolo banch) will be marching to the office of Hellen Zille to demand essential services such such toilets, water, electricity and demand that people who are living at flood prone areas to be relocated within Khayelitsha.

March Details:

People will gather at Site C train Station at 08:30 and take 09:15 train to Cape Town arrive at CT station at 10:00 at First class and proceed to the offices of City of Cape Town Civic Centre..

For comment please call:

Noxolo 0710431916
Rora 0781596700
Babalwa 073230036

SA election special: Shack life “terrifying and impossible” says shack dweller

23 03 2009
Mar 10, 2009
Brenda Nkuna
Source: West Cape News

A street in TR Section, Khayelitsha, where residents have protested over lack of service delivery. Photo: Brenda Nkuna/WCN“It’s like living in the apartheid era. We don’t exist,” said Nonthunzi Nodliwa, 46. Nodliwe lives in Khayelitsha’s TR Section, where disillusionment with service delivery runs high.

Last month a group of TR Section residents stormed an Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) registration station in Khayelitsha, damaging an IEC car and disrupting registration.

Three men charged with public violence in connection with the incident were granted bail in the Khayelitsha Magistrate’s Court on February 10.

Since then politicians and election officials say briefings have been held to address concerns over service delivery. Read the rest of this entry »